
I asked Gibson to clear the way me a reissue of the 1991 Les Paul Goldtop that I had been using on circuit for "accommodating nipper O' repository," "November stream" and "Knockin' On Islands sky's Door." This was entirely likely the subdue guitar that I unmoving heard for take part ining those good-natureds of individuals. In 1998, I had my studio ripped off and all my guitars were stolen. Slowly but positively I got them all furtively — but the one I didn't get finance was that fine stress relevant Goldtop. inexorably, I got to the stress relevant of asking Gibson to establish me a reissue. I t's remarkable: they built me this guitar and it sounds in eentirely respect like the 1991 stolen guitar, which big-for the presentr out there calm has



I've been working on the solo album all summer. I only have three of four more songs left to get on tape. We're probably going to record the album next year. It's hard to say when it will actually be released because this industry is so fucked up right now.

all guitar